
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Aegolius acadicus
In October 2021, Willow was found on a sidewalk in Shorewood. After being taken to a wildlife rehabilitator, she was deemed non-releasable due to the severity of her wing injury.
Hatch Year: 2020
Average Weight: 3-4 ounces | Willow: 3.5 ounces
Wingspan: 16-19 in
Lifespan in the Wild: 4 years
Lifespan in Captivity: 15 years
Fun Fact: The name “saw-whet” comes from the bird’s call: European settlers thought its hoot resembled the sound of a whetstone sharpening a saw.
Read The Smallest Owl, our picture book of Willow’s story, available for purchase in our Nature Store and online!