Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Valkyrie was left on her own earlier than normal. She did not have the hunting skills necessary to survive. Local fishermen began to feed her and she quickly associated humans with food. Posing a danger to people and herself, she was brought in from the wild.
Hatch Year: 2011
Average Weight: 6-14 pounds | Valkyrie: 11 pounds
Wingspan: 6-8 feet
Lifespan in the Wild: 20 years
Lifespan in Captivity: 40 years
Fun Fact: Although Valkyrie is our largest bird, she only weighs about 12 pounds! That weight is mostly muscle; the 7,000 feathers on her body only weigh about a pound, and her entire skeleton weighs less than one pound.
About my Species: Bald Eagles are a fitting symbol for our nation as they are the only eagle species unique to North America. Once threatened by pesticide use, with concerted conservation efforts their populations have been steadily increasing for more than 40 years. The best time to see them is late winter when they congregate along open waterways to look for fish.