Saturday Morning Bird Walk 

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 E. Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee

We welcome all those interested in birding for a guided bird walk on the third Saturday of the month. We’ll search for winter residents among the Center’s varied habitats. This is a great opportunity for new birders to learn and practice bird identification.     Led by Wisconsin Master Naturalist volunteer and...

Get Tickets Free 11 tickets left

Spectacular Snakes!

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 E. Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee

Enjoy an up-close encounter with our spectacular snake ambassadors with Naturalist Alison Schrad! Learn about snake adaptations, where they can be found in Wisconsin, and get the chance to hold one of the resident snakes. Afterwards we’ll make a slithery snake craft together. This program is designed for all ages,...

Get Tickets $12.00 – $18.00 5 tickets left

Word with a Bird

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center 1111 E. Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee

Join us in the Great Hall of our Visitor Center to meet one or two birds from our Raptor Program! We will talk about the specific skills, traits, and adaptations that are unique to that bird.   Our Raptor Program educates about raptor ecology, conservation, and these birds’ important roles...